Your Dallas motorcycle accident lawyer, Frenkel & Frenkel, is here to help you. Frenkel & Frenkel, your Dallas motorcycle accident lawyer, has some startling statistics regarding motorcycle accidents. According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, 4,612 people died in motorcycle accidents in 2011, a 2.1 percent increase from 2010. Also, 81,000 people were injured in motorcycle crashes in 2011. Motorcycle Accidents are Rarely Minor Your Dallas motorcycle accident lawyer explains that motorcycle accidents are rarely minor. The freedom motorcycle enthusiasts experience as they ride down the road in open air is precisely the reason why motorcycle accidents often result in catastrophic injury or death. With warmer weather approaching for most of the country, more motorcyclists will be traveling the roads, and Fort Worth motorcycle accident attorneys Frenkel & Frenkel urge both motorists and motorcycle riders to share the road responsibly. “I Didn’t See The Motorcycle” One of the most common things heard by police in the aftermath of an accident involving a motorcycle, says your Dallas motorcycle accident lawyer, is that the driver of the car or truck simply did not “see” the motorcycle. Motorcycles are small, and often blend in with surrounding scenery; many times they seem to disappear into a vehicle’s blind spot. In addition, distractions while driving can cause people to not be as diligent when looking for motorcycles, further increasing the risk of an accident. Your Fort Worth motorcycle accident attorneys have experience in overcoming unfair bias against motorcycles by insurance companies and juries. In addition, they conduct a thorough investigation of the accident and the resulting injuries, which is crucial to a successful outcome for the case. Motorcycle Safety Tips Your Dallas motorcycle accident lawyer wants you to ride safely, so here are some tips to follow that may help reduce the likelihood of you being involved in a motorcycle accident. For car and truck drivers, it is important to remember that a motorcycle has the same rights and privileges afforded any other vehicle. In addition, it is important to give a motorcycle a full lane width, even if it seems there is room in traffic to share a lane. Motorcycles should follow the same rule and not weave between vehicles. Remember that motorcycles are often difficult to see, so it is important to be on the lookout for them when driving. This is especially true in warmer weather, but some riders travel by motorcycle even when the weather is cold. Remember that minor problems in a road, such as potholes or debris, are minor annoyances in a larger vehicle, but for motorcycles, they can be extremely dangerous. A motorcycle rider may need to change lanes or speed quickly to avoid these hazards. By following these simple tips, motorcycle riders and drivers of other types of vehicles can share the road safely, reducing the need to call a Dallas motorcycle accident lawyer. If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident, let Frenkel & Frenkel help you. Visit today.
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